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  • Preparing your teen with T1D for life after high school


    Preparing your teen with T1D for life after high school

    Graduating high school is a major milestone for all teens. Whether they plan to go to college in the fall, enroll in a technical program or embark upon a career, it’s a time of significant change and transitions.

  • Allie's story


    Allie's story

    Allen High School senior Allie has loved dancing for as long as she can remember. A student at the Hathaway Academy of Ballet in Plano, she dreams of dancing professionally.

  • A new heart restores Carlos’ playful spirit


    A new heart restores Carlos’ playful spirit

    In the summer of 2020, Carlos received the gift of a lifetime – a new heart. Karla and her husband Johnny are still in awe of what happened that day, just three months after they brought their 3-year-old son Carlos to Children's Health℠.

  • Care when every second counts


    Care when every second counts

    Early on the morning of November 22, 2000, Keith and Nancy packed their five kids into the van to travel from their home in McKinney, Texas, to visit relatives in Austin for the Thanksgiving holiday. The family had recently moved to Texas and were looking forward to the trip with anticipation.

  •  Four lives changed in one week, without missing a beat


    Four lives changed in one week, without missing a beat

    From just 12 weeks to 12 years old, four special patients received new hearts all in the same week at the Heart Center at Children’s Health℠. Watch the video above to meet Abby, Adriel, Alex and Phoenix – and celebrate their incredible journey to a renewed opportunity for a happy, healthy life.

  • Tragedy avoided thanks to selfless strangers and highly-skilled experts


    Tragedy avoided thanks to selfless strangers and highly-skilled experts

    On Saturday, April 29, 2017, a series of deadly tornadoes touched down east of Dallas, killing four people and injuring dozens more. Parents Emily and Phillip Ocheltree, of Wills Point, Texas, were driving to a storm shelter trying to get out of harm’s way when their truck hydroplaned off the road, flipped three times and landed upside down in rushing floodwaters.

  • Emberlyn's story: Breathing easier with a new level of care


    Emberlyn's story: Breathing easier with a new level of care

    When Morgan and Brooke’s first baby Emberlyn was born early at just 33 weeks, they were ecstatic that she was eating and breathing well enough that they could leave the hospital after only two and half weeks. That was a huge success for a 4-pound "preemie."

  • The power of Complex Care


    The power of Complex Care

    Camilla weighed just 3 pounds when she was born prematurely in June 2015. She was immediately put on life support, and shortly after, had a stroke that affected the right side of her brain.

  • Sydney's story


    Sydney's story

    College sophomore Sydney’s life revolves around her online courses at Southern University (her dream school) where she’s majoring in mass communications.

  • A love letter to a future bone marrow donor


    A love letter to a future bone marrow donor

    Robert, a sickle cell patient at Children’s Health, is looking for a bone marrow donor. His mother writes a letter in hopes of encouraging people to participate in the National Marrow Donor Program to find the perfect match for Robert and kids like him.

  • A brave girl overcomes a rare disease & gives back


    A brave girl overcomes a rare disease & gives back

    When Brentlee, age 5, was born, all signs pointed to a happy and healthy baby. Her mother Amber carried her to full-term, her delivery went smoothly and she scored great on the Apgar assessment often performed on babies at birth. It wasn’t until she began having difficulties feeding that her mom first suspected something may be amiss.

  • A family takes heart in their darkest days


    A family takes heart in their darkest days

    Like many new parents, when Miguel and Jacqueline were expecting, they dreamt about their child's future. Their hopes and aspirations grew as they prepared to welcome a new life into the world – and on February 22, 2018, their baby girl, Olivia, was born.

  • A family moves time zones to be closer to a pediatric expert in prune belly syndrome (PBS)


    A family moves time zones to be closer to a pediatric expert in prune belly syndrome (PBS)

    When Samantha was 12 weeks pregnant with her son Beaux, she and her husband, Chris, visited her doctor's office for a routine anatomy scan. For Samantha, who already had two children, it started off as a familiar appointment, identifying Beaux's hands and feet and even viewing all four chambers of his heart. But when it came time to view his other organs, Samantha's motherly intuition sensed something was wrong.

  • A family finds answers and support for brothers with muscular dystrophy


    A family finds answers and support for brothers with muscular dystrophy

    When Daniel was 5 years old, he began experiencing chronic stomach pain and had difficulty walking after playing for a particularly long period of time. Believing that he may have a food-related allergy, his pediatrician referred Daniel to Isabel Rojas, M.D., Pediatric Gastroenterologist at Children’s Health℠ and Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern.

  • A childhood connection leads to a heartfelt career


    A childhood connection leads to a heartfelt career

    Erin Hunter, RN, BSN, underwent her first open heart surgery to repair a congenital heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot, or TOF for short, when she was just nine months old. She was referred to Children's Medical Center by her physician after her mom noticed she lacked the energy of a typical infant, especially during feedings, and her fingers and lips occasionally turned blue. She would go on to have six additional open heart surgeries by the time she was 11 years old.

  • A doctor's dedication and a patient's road to recovery


    A doctor's dedication and a patient's road to recovery

    On Jan. 21, 2006, 21-month-old Brayden accidentally drank a caustic chemical. The chemical caused third degree burns to his mouth, esophagus and stomach. Brayden was rushed to a local hospital in Tyler, Texas, where he was sedated and put on a ventilator to help him breath. The medical team there contacted Children's Health℠, requesting help due to the serious nature of Brayden's injury.

  • A football player captures his cancer experience in an inspiring music video


    A football player captures his cancer experience in an inspiring music video

    Davion is a high school student who enjoys spending time with family and friends. He loves sports, especially football, which he has played since he was 4 years old. As a junior, Davion played middle linebacker and was varsity captain. But a few months after the season ended, the talented athlete got unexpected news: He had cancer.

  • A dedicated athlete doesn’t let diabetes define him


    A dedicated athlete doesn’t let diabetes define him

    Anthony has always been an active child. He's played a variety of sports since he was 4 years old and never had any major medical concerns growing up. So when he started losing weight shortly before his 11th birthday, his parents, Laura and Raul, became concerned.

  • A dance with type 1 diabetes


    A dance with type 1 diabetes

    Lily spends every moment she can dancing with her studio. From hip hop to ballroom to tap, she competes in all types of dance. She's been a junior Texas Legends dancer, a mini Dallas Cowboy cheerleader and has placed in the top 10 of solo competitions.

  • A competitive barrel racer succeeds after pediatric hand surgery at Children's Health


    A competitive barrel racer succeeds after pediatric hand surgery at Children's Health

    Shylynne, known as "Shy" to her friends and family, has loved horses for as long as she can remember. She got her first horse, Shirley, to ride around in her backyard when she was just 4 years old. Around the time she turned 6, she discovered her passion: competitive barrel racing. This rodeo event for women times a rider while she completes a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels, showcasing the athleticism and skill of both the horse and the rider.

  • A breath of fresh care for Matthew and his family


    A breath of fresh care for Matthew and his family

    Planes, trains and automobiles are just a few of Matthew's interests. He spends his days playing outside with his older brother, and his parents describe him as a happy child. You'd never know he fought courageously for his life – before he was even born.

  • A boy, and his dog, live every day to the fullest


    A boy, and his dog, live every day to the fullest

    Easton was 4 years old when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was a day his mother, Lexie, will never forget. "He had been feeling off for the last few months – always hungry, constantly thirsty and several nighttime accidents," she says. "We just figured he was going through a growth spurt."

  • A multidisciplinary care team helps Carson overcome critical health challenges


    A multidisciplinary care team helps Carson overcome critical health challenges

    When Carson was born, nearly everything he ate made him sick. His mom, Stephanie, tried 10 different baby formulas before she finally found one that worked. His pediatrician suspected he was suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and a blood test soon determined Carson was also allergic to five different foods.

  • Hope's story: Born ready to overcome


    Hope's story: Born ready to overcome

    High school freshman Hope has had enough surgeries to know exactly what to do when she wakes up from a procedure. She focuses on the people around her, slowly taking in one and then another.

  • Bella's story


    Bella's story

    Paint was right there for the two-and-a-half months Bella stayed at Children’s Health and received treatment for anorexia.

  • H'lyia's story: A resilient teen, her dedicated mom and their medical journey


    H'lyia's story: A resilient teen, her dedicated mom and their medical journey

    High school senior, H'lyia, 17, is one of those kids whose schedule is packed with activities. Throughout high school, she’s been an active member of the mock trial team. She participates in the National Honor Society and Top Teens of America, a youth program that focuses on cultural, academic and civic activities.

  • Amelia thrives thanks to the Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence


    Amelia thrives thanks to the Rees-Jones Center for Foster Care Excellence

    To know Amelia is to love her. She's bright, articulate and has never met a stranger. Looking at this bubbly 4-year-old, one would never guess her complex medical history. Amelia's adoptive mother, Robin, says this alone is a testament to the care that Amelia has received at Children's Health. In fact, Robin says that if not for the quick actions of the Children's Health foster care clinic years ago, Amelia would most likely not be alive.

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