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  • How to prevent and treat heat rash in children


    How to prevent and treat heat rash in children

    Texas summers are well-known for their heat and humidity – two weather conditions that make heat rash more likely in babies, toddlers and even older children. Nnenna Agim, M.D., Division Director of Dermatology at Children's Health and Associate Professor at UT Southwestern, shares tips for helping your child avoid this prickly rash – and what to do if it appears.

  • Keeping your baby safe and cool in summer


    Keeping your baby safe and cool in summer

    Summertime brings warm weather and lots of sunshine. But parents of infants, in particular, should keep a few essential heat and sun safety tips in mind while enjoying the season.

  • 8 summer activities to avoid learning loss


    8 summer activities to avoid learning loss

    Summer vacation provides a much-appreciated break from the busy school year. But a couple months away from the classroom can also lead to learning loss between grades.

  • Treating bug bites and stings in children


    Treating bug bites and stings in children

    As the weather gets warmer, it's not only kids who come out to play – all the creepy-crawlies do, too. With all sorts of bugs flying and crawling around playgrounds and your backyard, your child might be more at risk of a bug bite or sting during the warmer months.

  • Safety tips for kids learning to swim


    Safety tips for kids learning to swim

    David Aguilar is a Senior Injury Prevention Coordinator at Children’s Health℠ and Water Safety Instructor – and his passion for swim safety runs deep. He is a lifelong water lover who grew up near the beach and learned about the importance of learning to swim from his family.

  • How to choose the best sunscreen for kids


    How to choose the best sunscreen for kids

    When it comes to sunscreen, there are so many choices you may not know which option is the best sunscreen for kids. Sunscreen, or sunblock, protects skin against the sun's ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays, which cause sunburn.

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