Pediatric labial adhesions


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What are pediatric labial adhesions?

Labial adhesions (la·​bi·​al - ad·​he·​sions) occur when the inner vaginal lips – known as the labia minora – become stuck together. The area affected may be small or extensive.

Risk factors

The condition affects an estimated one percent of all girls, generally between the ages of three months and six years.

What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric labial adhesions?

If your daughter  has a labial adhesion, she may also experience:

Most girls have no symptoms. 

How are pediatric labial adhesions diagnosed?

This condition may be discovered during a regular check-up and can be fully diagnosed through visual inspection.

What are the causes of pediatric labial adhesions?

Though the cause of labial adhesions is unknown, irritation or inflammation of the labia – possibly from wet diapers or certain soaps – may cause them to fuse together, as well as the normal prepubertal low levels of estrogen, which affects the skin cells.

How are pediatric labial adhesions treated?

Mild cases

For mild, asymptomatic cases – the condition may be left alone to resolve over time.

Moderate cases

For moderate cases, treatment may involve several weeks of mild ointment application and gentle separation.

Severs cases

For severe cases in patients that are symptomatic – your daughter’s doctor may prescribe an estrogen or steroid cream to help separate the tissue. In rare cases, your daughter may need surgical separation.

Pediatric labial adhesions doctors and providers