Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition that describes the pauses in a child’s breathing during sleep.
What is pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
Obstructive sleep apena (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes children and adults to frequently pause their breathing during sleep. Breathing pauses (apneas) typically last 10 to 20 seconds and are caused by an obstruction in a child’s throat (usually enlarged adenoids or tonsils).
The pauses temporarily decrease the body’s oxygen levels. The brain senses the lower oxygen levels as a threat and “jump starts” the body again by waking up the sleeping child. The more frequent the pauses, the less sleep a child gets, which can lead to additional physical and mental health symptoms.
What are the signs and symptoms of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
The main symptom of OSA is the pause in breathing. Children may sound like they are choking or gasping when they are asleep. They can also have difficulty staying asleep, which can cause extreme daytime tiredness and may also lead to other sleep disorders.
Additional symptoms for OSA may vary and come and go, including the following:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – A chronic condition that impacts a child’s attention span, hyperactivity and impulse control
Behavioral health issues, including anxiety, anger, depression, hyperactivity, irritability, impulsiveness and poor concentration
Difficulty breathing through the nose, sinus congestion and a nasal-toned voice
Difficulty waking up
Headaches in the morning
Snoring (moderate to loud)
Sweating during sleep
How is pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosed?
What are the causes of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)?
The main cause of OSA are enlarged adenoids (glands on the roof of the mouth that produce white blood cells) or tonsils (glands at the back of the throat that filter bacteria/viruses and prevent unwanted objects from going down the throat).
Enlarged or swollen adenoids or tonsils can block airflow through the mouth and nose. Obesity can also affect breathing and cause OSA.
Risk factors
Some factors can increase the chances of being diagnosed with OSA and can make the OSA symptoms worse, including:
Cerebral palsy (CP) – A congenital (present at birth) disorder that impacts movement, muscle tone or posture
Down syndrome – A genetic chromosome 21 disorder that causes developmental and intellectual delays
Frequent sinus infections
Frequent occurrence of strep throat
Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) – A digestive disease that causes stomach acid to come back up the throat and cause irritation
Genetics/inherited (passed down through generations)
Narrow facial bone structures or a small jaw
Prader-Willi syndrome – A genetic disorder that causes intellectual disability, obesity and a short height
How is pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) treated?
Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) doctors and providers
- GAGijo Alex, MDPediatric Anesthesiologist
- Elisa Basora Rovira, MDPediatric Pulmonologist and Sleep Medicine
- Michelle Caraballo, MDPediatric Pulmonologist and Sleep Medicine
- ADAlissa Doll, MDPediatric Anesthesiologist
- TMTanya Martinez-Fernandez, MDPediatric Pulmonologist/Sleep Medicine
- S. Kamal Naqvi, MDPediatric Pulmonologist/Sleep Medicine
- Anna Wani, MDPediatric Sleep Medicine Specialist
- W. David Brown, PhDPediatric Psychologist - Sleep Medicine
- YKYann-Fuu Kou, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- CLChristopher Liu, MDPediatric Otolaryngologist (ENT)
- Annie Kincaid, APRN, FNPNurse Practitioner - Pulmonology
- Rachel Rosen, APRN, PNP-PCNurse Practitioner - Sleep Disorders
- Loren Glasser, MDPediatric Pulmonologist