Gokhan Kalkan, MD
Infectious Disease Specialist
Associate Professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Languages Spoken:
- English

Education and Training
- Medical School
- Marmara University Faculty of Medicine (2000)
- Residency
- UT Southwestern - Children's Medical Center (2023), Pediatric Residency
Hacettepe University, Ankara (2005), Pediatrics - Fellowship
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (2021), Pediatric Infectious Diseases
University of California San Francisco Med Ctr (2009), Pediatric Critical Care
Departments and Programs
Research Interests
- Severe sepsis
- Thiamine deficiency
- Ventilator associated pneumonia
- Epidemiology of pediatric severe sepsis and septic shock in Turkey: Prevalence, Results and Treatments Study. Evren G, Karaarslan U, Yildizdas D, Sik G, Azapagasi E, Konca C, Kendirli T, Udurgucu M, Koroglu TF, Acta Paediatr 2022 Jul
- Prevalence and Time Course of Thiamine Deficiency in Critically Ill Children: A Multicenter, Prospective Cohort Study in Turkey. Akkuzu E, Yavuz S, Ozcan S, Sincar S, Bayrakci B, Kendirli T, Pasaoglu H, Kalkan G, Pediatr Crit Care Med 2022 May 23 5 399-404
- The skills of defibrillation practice and certified life-support training in the healthcare providers in Turkey. Derinoz-Guleryuz O, Uysal-Yazici M, Udurgucu M, Karacan C, Akça H, Ongun EA, Ekinci F, Duman M, Akça-Çaglar A, Vatansever G, Bilen S, Uysalol M, Akcan-Yildiz L, Saz EU, Bal A, Piskin E, Sahin S, Kurt F, Anil M, Besli E, Alakaya M, Gültekingil A, Yilmaz R, Temel-Koksoy O, Kesici S, Akcay N, Cebisli E, Emeksiz S, Kilinc MA, Köker A, Çoban Y, Erkek N, Gurlu R, Eksi-Alp E, Apa H, Int J Clin Pract 2021 Dec 75 12 e14978
- The Burden of Burnout Syndrome in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Emergency Department: A Multicenter Evaluation. Yazici MU, Teksam O, Agin H, Erkek N, Arslankoylu AE, Akca H, Esen F, Derinoz O, Yener N, Kilinc MA, Yilmaz R, Koksoy Ö, Kendirli T, Anil AB, Yildizdas D, Ozturk N, Tekerek N, Duyu M, Kalkan G, Emeksiz S, Kurt F, Alakaya M, Goktug A, Ceylan G, Bayrakci B, Pediatr Emerg Care 2021 Dec 37 12 e955-e961