Audio, e-books and print books
How can I find out what books are available?
View our online catalog
Our library has an online catalog that includes more than 5,000 books. The online catalog has titles that you can read or listen to from your electronic device. Many titles are available in English and Spanish.
How can I view the library catalog?
To view our list of titles, log in to the library catalog with:
- Username: CHILDRENS HEALTH (all caps and no apostrophe)
- Password: (leave blank)
Audiobooks and e-books
Children’s Health offers patients and families access to our OverDrive® library, which is available in English and Spanish. OverDrive is an online collection of audiobooks and e-books you can read or listen to on your phone, computer, tablet or e-reader. Many e-books are available for Kindle™.
OverDrive allows you to borrow fiction (humor, sci-fi and fantasy, mystery, romance, etc.) and non-fiction books (religion, self-help, health, mental health, personal growth, etc.).
How can I get access to OverDrive?
Complete the form using the button below. Please allow 3 business days to receive your login and password. If you have questions please feel free to contact us at 214-456-3933.
Once you receive your login and password, simply go to OverDrive® to view a list of available titles.
Can I recommend books that I would like added to OverDrive?
Yes. When looking for an author or a title, if you don’t see any you are interested in, scroll down the page to view books that are available for us to purchase. You will need to be signed in to make a recommendation, and if we purchase it, you will be the first to know.
Is there an app for that?
Yes. The app is available for both Apple and Android users. Click on the link below.
OverDrive app
Libby app
Children's Medical Center Dallas Krissi Holman Family Resource Library 214-456-4787
Children's Medical Center Plano Karahan Family Resource Library 469-303-7735