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  • The importance of hand washing for kids


    The importance of hand washing for kids

    Cleaning your hands – either with soap and water or by using hand sanitizer – may seem like a small action, but it’s one that can have a significant impact on your health.

  • Home remedies for cough in kids


    Home remedies for cough in kids

    If your child seems to be coughing constantly, it can be concerning. Typically, a child's cough is nothing to worry about. Many times, it can be caused by a common cold or even by allergies. But since over-the-counter cough and cold medicines are not recommended for children under the age of 6 years, it can be challenging to know how to help your child feel comfortable – especially if a cough is keeping him or her up at night. See seven ways you can treat your child's cough at home.

  • How to keep kids active in winter


    How to keep kids active in winter

    Winter brings shorter, colder days and, typically, much more indoor family time. But that doesn't mean you can't keep your kids moving and having fun. With a little planning and creativity, you can help your family stay physically active all year long – no matter what the weather is outside.

  • Winter blues or something more serious?


    Winter blues or something more serious?

    Each winter you might notice a dip in your child's mood and a change in their behavior, and then witness them return to being themselves again once springtime hits. You might even experience these seasonal changes yourself.

  • Your guide to preventing and treating the flu in children


    Your guide to preventing and treating the flu in children

    Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a viral infection that affects the lungs, mouth and throat. It isn't the same as a stomach "flu," which is the result of viruses in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • 5 must-have items for parents during cold and flu season


    5 must-have items for parents during cold and flu season

    The onset of winter often brings coughs and sniffles – especially in children. Kids can get six to eight colds per year, and when they're feeling bad, you want to be able to provide quick relief. Be prepared by taking stock of your medicine cabinet to ensure you have cold and flu essentials on hand before you need them.

  • Common winter illnesses in kids


    Common winter illnesses in kids

    Although illnesses like cold and flu occur more frequently during the winter months, the reasons are not always straightforward. One myth is that cold weather can make you sick, but that is not true. Being cold itself does not cause illness, but when it is colder outside, children tend to spend more time indoors together, easily passing germs and infections.

  • What to do when your child has a fever


    What to do when your child has a fever

    When your child has a fever, it is a sign that their immune system is fighting off an infection. "The vast majority of infectious diseases that are associated with a high fever are caused by a virus, and are usually accompanied by coughing, congestion, vomiting or diarrhea," says LeAnn Kridelbaugh, M.D., President of Children's Health℠ Pediatric Group. "Fever can also coincide with an ear infection or strep throat as well as less common infections like pneumonia."

  • 6 home remedies for flu in kids [Infographic]


    6 home remedies for flu in kids [Infographic]

    Symptoms of the flu can include sore throat, congestion, fever, chills and fatigue. If your child is feeling sick, help them feel better by encouraging rest and keeping them hydrated. You can also try these home remedies to give relief.

  • Managing your child's asthma in the winter


    Managing your child's asthma in the winter

    Have you ever wondered why cold weather can trigger asthma? It is because cold air causes the muscles surrounding the airways to contract, making the airways narrow. For kids with asthma, that constriction can make breathing more difficult and make asthma attacks more likely. In addition, other health conditions like the flu and respiratory infections are more common during colder months, and those illnesses can make asthma symptoms worse.

  • Common cold in babies


    Common cold in babies

    There's nothing common about a cold when a newborn or infant has one. The congestion, coughing and low-grade fever that can accompany a cold is enough to make even the most seasoned parents worry. Babies will have anywhere from eight to 10 colds by the time they turn 2 years old. As a parent, you may feel more comfortable and confident when you're able to quickly recognize the signs of a common cold and know which remedies help ease symptoms.

  • What to know for the 2023-2024 flu season


    What to know for the 2023-2024 flu season

    As the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in 2020, wearing masks and social distancing became the norm. And while these measures played an important role in reducing the spread of COVID-19, they also helped limit the spread of other germs and viruses, including the flu.

  • Should children get the nasal flu vaccine?


    Should children get the nasal flu vaccine?

    If you are like many parents, the nasal spray flu mist vaccine sounds like an easy way to protect your child against the flu. You don't have to worry about your child's fear of needles or any tears or tantrums leading up to the shot.

  • Sick with the flu: When to go to the ER


    Sick with the flu: When to go to the ER

    When children display symptoms of the flu, parents are often unsure when they should call the doctor or when to take their child to the hospital. Children with the flu can typically be treated at home with rest and fluids. A trip to the emergency room (ER) should not be necessary for most cases of the flu. However, there are certain warning signs parents can watch for to know when to seek medical attention.

  • Cold vs flu in children: How to tell the difference


    Cold vs flu in children: How to tell the difference

    Parents can expect their kids to get colds every year, especially during the fall and winter months when the risk of flu is also higher. So, how can you tell if your child is having flu symptoms or just has the common cold?

  • Should children take Tamiflu?


    Should children take Tamiflu?

    When children are sick, all you want is to help them feel better. With bacterial infections, you might give them antibiotics, but when it comes to viruses like the flu, you may not have many options.

  • Is the flu shot safe for kids with egg allergies?


    Is the flu shot safe for kids with egg allergies?

    When fall comes around each year, it's time to think about everyone in your family getting a flu shot – for their protection and to do your part to boost community health. But, if your child has an egg allergy, you may be concerned about the egg protein in the flu shot.

  • Surviving the time change with a toddler


    Surviving the time change with a toddler

    When daylight saving time changes come around, or you need to adjust your child’s sleep schedule for other reasons, you should take careful steps to change the bedtime routine.

  • Pertussis can be fatal to your child – everyone should get vaccinated


    Pertussis can be fatal to your child – everyone should get vaccinated

    Pertussis is a highly contagious illness of the respiratory mucous membrane. It’s marked by a series of short, violent coughs sometimes followed by a high-pitched intake of breath that sounds like whoop. A type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis causes this infectious disease. The bacteria attach to the cilia (tiny, hair-like extensions) that line the upper respiratory system. Bordetella pertussis toxins (poisons) damage the cilia and cause airways to swell.

  • Healthy kid-friendly meals for cold weather


    Healthy kid-friendly meals for cold weather

    As winter days grow colder and darker, it can be challenging to find the energy to keep eating healthy. After all, sweets and comfort foods go hand in hand with the winter season. But with a bit of planning, it can be easy to prioritize healthy nutrition for the whole family.

  • 5 tips for an active, healthier winter


    5 tips for an active, healthier winter

    As the winter months approach and the temperatures get cooler, many of us hibernate and seek out our favorite comfort foods. Making time for physical activity not only helps offset all the holiday eating, but it can create new family traditions around healthier behaviors.

  • 4 hidden spots for holiday germs


    4 hidden spots for holiday germs

    Presents aren't the only thing in hiding during the holiday season. With more travel, parties, family and shopping, germs hide out and often show up uninvited to spread contagious illnesses that can put a damper on holiday fun.

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