If Madison wasn't hooked up to a dialysis machine, you would probably never know she needs a kidney transplant. Diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney disease at age 12, she is now in complete renal failure. This means no eating out with friends, swimming and traveling. Instead, Madison spends her Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Children's Health℠ getting dialysis.
"I wish people knew it's a life-threatening disease," Madison says. "It's serious. There are not enough organ donors, but a lot of people really need them – like me. Transplants are like a second chance. It would be a lot easier to live life with a new kidney."
Madison says it takes a village (her mom, grandmother and aunt) to get her back and forth from school and treatments, but she's lucky to have an understanding school, awesome friends and the best doctor, Mouin Seikaly, M.D. As for her positive attitude, she credits her mom.
"I thought my life was over," Madison says. "My mom told me it could always be worse and life is what you make it. It's a lot harder being young with kidney failure. But it's not going to stop me."
Learn more
As the largest pediatric nephrology clinic in North Texas, the Pediatric Nephrology Department at Children's Health is dedicated to providing comprehensive kidney care that addresses all aspects of your child's growth and well-being. A full team of experts are on hand to support children and families as they battle childhood kidney disease. Learn more about our program and services.

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